Sunday, July 10, 2011

Gen X...

I had to post about the cool new radio station, GEN X, as it is playing all those cool 80/90's mixes that Mike and I grew up with.  He is not so thrilled with some of the rap groups and hip hop that I listened to, but we both appreciate some of the Green Day, old school Poison, Guns N' Roses and Aerosmith... well, it just takes us back. 
Seriously, though... what is Sunshine going to think when she hears her parents rocking out to "Dude looks like a Lady" ? That generation gap is going to widen greatly.  So what generation is she considered then?  
On another note, what do you pack for camping with an infant??  This would be good to I tend to over pack for everything!  
I need simplicity in all things at this point of my life...
On top of that, looking for part time work in this state of the economy pretty much sucks.  So I am coming up with work from home ideas, as working part time also only pays the child care bills for only working part time.  Not much more.  For my own mental health and sanity, I need to be out giving to others and not just staying home.  Even if this was volunteering at a place that allowed me to take Sunshine with me, would be better than nothing.  Plus, the added bonus, the more I am out, the more awake Sunshine is and the better she sleeps at night!  So, if you know anything out there for stay at home moms, let me know. Would love the ideas.

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