Monday, July 18, 2011



I had to include this section. Lu is an awesome lady that teaches and practices the concepts of Conscious parenting.
I have to remind myself that I am not perfect and that in order to let Sunshine grow, I have to allow her to make mistakes, to voice her dissension, to let her make choices (that I may not agree with) but she will never learn consequences unless she does.

I need to remain open and "present" for her when she does fall- that I will listen and truly "HEAR" her when she talks, even when it is something I do not wish to hear. I will be engaged in conversation with her, even when it is only babbles and coos... so that she knows when she speaks to me, I think what she has to say is important and will reflect back to her what I hear to confirm I understood her right.

That I need to take advantage of holding her close now, because in a few months Sunshine will sprout wings and wish to run, jump, explore and rely on mommy when she needs me. I appreciate this blog that Lu has, and her website "LET THE BABY DRIVE."

It helps teach me to be a better parent, and that I am not alone in my imperfections.

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